I will be the first to admit that over the course of 30 years, I have moved to and from NYC more times than I can actually recall. I am throwing out a number of maybe 17 times. Give or take a move. Now at 51, I am more settled in my life and feel the desire to plant roots.
My final “move back” to NYC was December 2020, a few months before the Covid-19 pandemic caused the world to shut down. I do have perfect timing! Now, with a bright light at the end of the tunnel beginning to shine more and more each day, I am beginning to pick up where I left off before the shut down.

I new intuitively, that the only place I would thrive the most is in NYC. It has taken me 5 years of figuring out my life (still trying to figure it out), a bad break-up, a cancer diagnosis and treatment, to find my way back to the city I have always called home, and it feels amazing.
I have a Plan!
My plan is to move back to NYC into a roommate situation (done!) and progress towards renting my own apartment (done!). All goals have been met so far. In December 2020, luggage in hand, I jumped off Amtrak and found a quick roommate situation on Van Corlear Place. A large 3-story house in Marble Hill.

Eight months after moving to Van Corlear Place, I found a small studio apartment and moved in.
This is my 180 square foot studio apartment in Washington Heights. The first apartment sans roommates. It’s small, but it’s mine.