Today I made a fresh batch of habanero oil. This yummy condiment is made with fresh red habaneros and grapeseed oil. Grapeseed oil is perfect for making these pepper infused condiments. Grapeseed oil holds great nutrients like vitamin E and antioxidants.

Grapeseed oil is a light delicate oil that can be used at high temperautes. One of the benefits of using grapeseed oil as a base for infusing hot peppers is, it can be used at high temperatures such as sautees and frying. While rich in amazing nutrients, grapeseed oil is high in fat and should be consumed in moderation. You will only need a few drops or drizzles to satisfy that heat crave! (see what I did there?)
Capsaicin is the active compenent in hot peppers, and is what makes a hot pepper hot. Most people think the seeds that holds the heat, when in fact, the capsaicin is concentrated in the white pithy part that holds the seeds, and to a lesser amount, within the flesh of the pepper. Research suggests that the capsaicin can help aid in digestions: check out the article in Health Line for more info,

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How to make Habanero Oil
Grapeseed oil: Bringing grapeseed oil to a hot boil will help release the oils from the habaneros.
Habanero Peppers: Habanero peppers are not the hottest star in town, but they certainly pack some heat being 100x hotter than the jalapeño. Remove the seeds and devein the peppers.

Safety tips for making Habanero Oil
- Use gloves if possible, but not essential.
- I have found that one of the best ways to remove the habanero from your fingers is using Dawn dish detergent. Dawn dish detergent is so effective, that it is used to remove black oil from animals after an oil spill.
- Be super conscious and resist scratching an itch. I know while I am cooking, sometimes I get a tickle on my nose. Also, whatever you touch will have some of the pepper residue. So, when you go to turn on the faucet later, and then rub your eyes before sleepy time, you’ll stay wide wake while trying to soothe your burning eyes! Dramatic, I know.

Habanero Oil
A heat packed oil condiment infused with habanero peppers.
- 2 cups grapeseed oil
- 3–4 small habanero peppers
- Add one cup of grapeseed oil and the habanero peppers to a 4 quart sauce pan with high walls.
- Bring to a boil and let simmer for about 5 minutes.
- Slowly add the remaining oil and allow to simmer for an additonal 5 minutes. Let completely cool before storing.
- Store in an airtight contrainer and refrigerate immediately. The habanero oil will keep for weeks.